Auntie Elsie with Friends & Former Classmates

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Auntie Elsie with Friends & Former Classmates

Unread post by COLETZ »

" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "

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Re: Auntie Elsie with Friends & Former Classmates

Unread post by COLETZ »

" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "

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Re: Auntie Elsie with Friends & Former Classmates

Unread post by COLETZ »

" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "

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Re: Auntie Elsie with Friends & Former Classmates

Unread post by COLETZ »


" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "

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Re: Auntie Elsie with Friends & Former Classmates

Unread post by COLETZ »

" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "

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