Laong nila an taga Tago kuno para-away pero hanugay. Mamingawuni naman ganahani mandahap-dahap nan notisya. Naman ini na pabyon inhimo para kita na mga Tagon-on magkasinusihay, magka-binayluay nan mga gilaong, nan notisya, nan kaayuhan.
Around this time 30 years ago, I was a child bursting with excitement as Tago sizzled with activities few days before 29 November, the opening of the town fiesta celebration: Front and backyards were weeded and planted with flowers, houses cleaned and painted, the best curtains and buntings mounted, and old furniture revarnished. Singer (pronounced “sing-herâ€Â) was busy delivering Maharani stereo sets and Frigidaire to Tagon-on homes, only to repossess them after fiesta, thus affirming Tagon-ons’ legendary notoriety for unabashed braggadocio.
Around this time too, we’d be busy rehearsing either for our parts of the program in one of the nine nights of the celebration or the field demonstration on the day of the fiesta itself.
Ahhh, the Fiesta of Tago in the 70s!
On tenterhooks, we’d wait at the plaza for the circus to arrive. If none came, we told ourselves maybe tomorrow, or the day after that. And our anticipation would escalate every passing day.
And when finally the circus would come to town, we’d be there gawking at the multi-colored tents and props, holding our breaths until the last bolt would be fitted and the Ferris Wheel stood solid and imposing as the kampanaryo.
Every night we would pester our parents with coins so that we could ride the Ferris Wheel and lose ourselves in its whir that reduced the kampanaryo to a blur. Then with pink cotton candy in our right hand and popcorn in the left, we’d make rounds, enjoying the spectacle that included “target†with its blemished red, white, and blue board, the kulo-kulo whose dice were put on a saucer and covered with the plastic container of Star Margarine, and the sitting ducks being shot at by a child holding a rifle just an arm’s length away.
Then days after the fiesta, when the circus would leave, our hearts would be broken because it meant waiting for another 365 days which, at that time, seemed longer than 20 eternities.
Baratillos would arrive days before the opening, pitching their makeshift stalls at the area of the present terminal. The most popular of these baratillos was Pinong’s Dry Good Store. Burly and dusky, Pinong was the first person I knew who used Pink Dove. I knew this because Pinong became a friend of Judstump’s parents, thus earning him the privilege to use their toilet and bathroom.
Pinong was a permanent fixture of Tago during fiestas. To attract customers using his roaring sound system, he would bark in between Imelda Papin’s accusation of “Bakit,†Didith Reyes’s self admission of “Nanabik,†and Eva Eugenio rebuking the two with her “Tukso, Layu-an Mo Ako.â€Â
I lost count of the number of Bang-bang and Faded Glory jeans, Addax rubber shoes, and Crispa tees that my parents bought for me at Pinong’s Dry Goods Store.
Because the gym would be occupied the whole nine nights of the fiesta celebration, “traveling movies†were shown at Falcon Memorial Elementary School either at the Grade Six or the old Grade One building.
The two movies that stuck with me were “100 Rifles†featuring the original “wet look†siren, Racquel Welch
and “Sa Libis Ng Nayon†with Dolphy and Gloria Romero.
For nine nights from the opening on 29 November, programs were held at the gym. Dates were assigned to puroks, schools, the business and religious sectors and others to do their thing.
BELUCOS, the icon that she was, reigned supreme during this time, making the presentation of Purok Tambis the most awaited event year after year after year.
Being the purok president, BELUCOS would come up with impromptu (or so it seemed to me) skits that would have the audience in stitches. She had a flair for getting the full cooperation of her members. There was this one show where she employed the very, very senior citizens of Purok Tambis, let them wore kid stuff complete with balls and lollipops the size of fans. It brought the whole house down.
Another was when she made Sughac’s mother a fully donned Bathsheba who had to hire an interpreter just so she would know what the mute prisoner was telling her, which was the forthcoming birth of Jesus!
Another memorable presentation was a pageant from Purok Grapes. On stage was a giant clam and when it was opened by fishermen, it revealed a charming Ditas Orozco, dressed in pearly white.
But the most memorable of them all was when “Olivia,†then the most popular soap opera of DYHP, was staged in Tago. Hell literally broke loose because the gym’s gate fell down from so much pushing from the audience. For lack of choice, the event became free of admission.
I remember the actors were housed at the residence of Ex-Mayor Kikoy Acevedo. We were part of the throng who waited outside, hoping Elma Vestil who played Olivia and Oliver Enhambre, who played her love interest, would favor us with even just a peep. No such luck!
THE FIESTA: then and now
On the day of the fiesta itself, all roads were crowded with people. Back then, as early as three days before fiesta, we already had visitors from Madrid, San Miguel, and La Paz. They would stay with us up to two days after the fiesta. Until then our house would be a veritable refugee camp. But it made me happy because I could go home late without my parents asking where I’d been!
Food flowed and everybody enjoyed the celebration for all its worth.
Oh well, all these couldn’t be said of today’s fiesta celebration because all you can see are ukay-ukays
and a few people who come to Tago an hour before 12 noon of December 8 and leave an hour or two later.
By 2:00 PM on December 8, Tago turns into a no-man's-land. Yes, it's no hyperbole and it makes me sad. So very sad, actually.
Last edited by kampanaryo_spy on Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Most claims of originality are testimony to ignorance and most claims of magic are testimony to hubris." -James March-
Ay ay lamang agaw pista na sa isab sa TAGO. pila na ka pista an minlabay wara na gayud ako makapamista. an huli ko na pista sa tago that was 1986 pa. amo pa ako yadto mo graduate sa college. amu ngani na yalipay ako paghikita ko kan kiboglets nganhi sa pabyon kay sila sa yadton ako mga tinudlu-an lagi taraw nan kuradang na "NEVER MIND GIRL" para sa night nan Purisima.
Nan high school ako, an kadumduman ko pirmi yaon pagkaliwas nan pistan minatay, siguro mga two weeks after busy na yaon nan preparasyon para sa Nov. 29 na parade tapos mag practice nan sayaw para sa night nan Purisima hastan para sa Field demonstration pagka kaadlawan na nan pista Dec. 8.
An baratillo, ay, ay isa isab yaon na makadugang nan kabibo ngad-on sa Tago haw idudud nan pista. wat is an tukar yaon kusogi abot sa soong. tapos haw ting- uli na gikan sa klase yaon hapon, mo sangke gayud naay ako sa mga tinda na bakya or sinelas. si Katunggan magadali na pag-uli sa bay pero ako mag ako mosimang sa baratillo. na kay basta agaw 2 days before the fiesta maarang na sa an mag mangilawod ngad-on sa ka lolo bay diretso na kibale hangtud pista, parehas mo k-spy
ganahani ako kay dili ako kilahan na mag kaduman kay pag-abot ko bisihi sa sila nan tsika nan mga ka berks nila na hinuod naadi sa sala, ako adto mag agi sa kusina an dagmayon ko na bado adto ko sa daan ibutang sa banyo para pag uli ko ngadto ako mag ilis.(sapa da sila mag agi) ha haha.
An pista sa tago, ganahan lamang ako haw yaon mag idudud na kay amu yaon an mabibuhi. mag na ako mingawon haw yaon moabot na an alas dose nan kaadlawan nan pista kay an iban nan yaon na bisita, maghinay hinay na panhipos kay manuba na sa ilaya. adto na dayon sugod na an kamingaw ko nan yaon kay pagka dum wara nay motabang sa amu duha ni katunggan paghugas nan plato. hahahahahahaha
Ay ay lamang agaw pista na sa isab sa TAGO. pila na ka pista an minlabay wara na gayud ako makapamista. an huli ko na pista sa tago that was 1986 pa. amo pa ako yadto mo graduate sa college. amu ngani na yalipay ako paghikita ko kan kiboglets nganhi sa pabyon kay sila sa yadton ako mga tinudlu-an lagi taraw nan kuradang na "NEVER MIND GIRL" para sa night nan Purisima.
mana toyang,
hala mana toyang special mention mo sa gayud ako! ako isab an huli ko na fiesta 1987 pa ( 20 years na lagi!)
bibuhi kami yaon nan ako mga dabarkads ( badet and balon montero, jennifer espinoza, syl2 medillo, sheila soriano) unom kami na imo in tudluan nan kuradang na " never mind girl.
tanan bay nan amo amigo lilidun namo! basta dakoer na an amo mga tiyan!
Arangi ko na kahimoot nan ini. I'll share my story.
Baratilyo - During our elementary days (grade 4 or 5 bagan yadto kami ni Saps) minpalit ako nan mga panties sa Baratilyo. Lipaye gayod dayon ako basta may bag-o. An mga tinda na panty naadi may mga perma na Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday til Sunday. An ako impalit 5 da kabook, so from Monday til Friday da kay I was thinking na an ako mga karaan pang Saturday and Sunday na adlaw. Pagkahibawo nan amo classmate (I wont name her) pagaayo gayod niya an isa sa mga panties ko. Wara gayod ako pahuwayi hangtod wara niya makuha sa ako, Thursday yadto na panty an iya pagaayo. Yahibawo kay ini si Siony boy na pagaayo nan ako classmate an ako Thursday na pante, yalanog dayon sa amo class. Basta kay arangi gayod yadto kabibo kay basta modag na gani kami sa bayabas silibon dayon nan mga classmates namo an inin classmate ko to find out kon suot niya an hatag ko na Thursday panty. Saps yakadomdom pa kaw nan ini, can you guess who she was? Lisodi pa yadto nako na pagkapalita kay at that time may mga male classmates ako na yanagpili isab nan converse na sapatos hast Spartan na sinilas. Sipogi na gayod ako yadto. Gatago tago gayod ako para dili ako hikit-an na gapalit nan panty. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ferris Wheel - Si Gingging mahadlokoni gayod nan heights. Ako dili da kadayao labon pa sa maka 9 bagan kami makadag sa kampanaryo with Sapaalaska. Nan min-abot na an ferris wheel ako ug an ako pag-umankon sa pagtagsahan yanakay sa ferrish wheel. Pagalugos isab namo si Gingging pagsakay bisan si Gingging arang na pagdili. Komusta ini bulaw kay si Gingging arangi sa na suka pagkanaog namo. Madayao gani pagkanaog na. Basta hadloki ako kay that would mean kubot or senteron from Mama and Papa. An amo inhimo yangawat kami nan dahon nan agrio ka anhin Iya Pending. Bisan pagalanat kami nan ido pagaangot namo para lang makakuha nan dahon nan agrio para ipasinghot kan Gingging. Singhot dayon si Gingging nan dahon nan agrio! Pag-abot namo sa bay derecho dayon kami sa cuarto pagapahigda namo si Gingging luspadi gayod ug pagapa-inom nan init na tubig. Madayao gani wara kami kasakpi ni Mama kay arangi sa na tao sa bay mamistahay. Koman kon mouli ako ako ag namo ini ni Gingging dumdomonan ug mangatawa dayon kami.
Yadton Olilvia na drama ay ay paboritohi ko isab yadto. In fact I was able to watch the show at the gym.
Pag tapos nan Olivia an sunod bagan yadto (this is after lunch). HANDUMANAN SA USA KA AWIT. Pagkahapon sab an DIEGO SALVADOR. Bisan an amo radio ga static sigi pa gihapon. An talinga gadapati na sa speaker nan radio kon an radio hinaye na kay dili palitan ni Mama nan battery kay wara nay matibog lagi. Ay Ay kaganahe domdomon nan ini na mga panahon.
Circus - how could I ever miss the show naadi na may ako taraw ngadto crush sa cast kay guapohi. Sus amo da kami nan mga sinuga kay maghanap gayod nan way kon wara nay amo cuarta. Ushahay we risked ourselves by going under the fence that surrounded the circus venue para lang makasod kay para ko makita an ako crush. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
This is a prominent indication of an economic backlash. Stats shows enough evidences that more and more people are getting hungry each day but Tagon-ons' deeply rooted foundation of this tradition will not be distraught. A day before fiesta ( disperas ) is when the town will be filled of pig's wailing for their final jugdment. Gone are the heydays of Tago fiesta but we, who had tasted its glorious days are still fortunate because we have a wonderful story to tell to the next generation.
sughac wrote:Gone are the heydays of Tago fiesta but we, who had tasted its glorious days are still fortunate because we have a wonderful story to tell to the next generation.
saktohi kaw gayud. fiesta has become a thanksgiving for tagon-ons.
grabe namo na inukayay nan weekend.
"Most claims of originality are testimony to ignorance and most claims of magic are testimony to hubris." -James March-
Yapatay garo ako nan kumatawa paglaong mo "ton sigbinan wara mahibawo." Arang ko na pugong nan katawa ko, tapos laong dayon nan kaupisina ko "Lalaine is there something funny that I don't know of". Laong ko isab "nothing, I'm just laughing at the e-mail my friend sent me". Not knowing I was blogging.
Sigbinanan gayod Kamps kay wara gayod si Nene masayod, hahahahahhahahahaha kay nan elementary pa kami nan yadto na panahon sa Bungtod. Si Nene sa Falcon. Kon minlugwa dayon ini nan pagkita niyo ni Siony Boy, matay but-okan kaw sab gayod kon ma recall niya kay siya gani permi ang ga remind kananko nan ini.
Pagamingaw sa lamang ako nan imo memories sa fiesta sa Tago. Kanaman baya ag kaw ma wa haw manguli na kita gikan sa eskuwelahan kay musagngat sa baratilyo. balitaw kapuyon ako haw hapit na an fiesta kay sigi nan practice para sa field demonstration tapos parade pa gayod.
pero bibo isab kay moabot an mga taga hain na lugar para manginod.ha ha ha.... Tapos haw mag=-uwan ilogwa dayon an bakya....tapos may excuse dayon kay sister carmen kun na nga na ga tsinilas kay gauwan sa lagi. I have Sr Suzette's number in Washington. Ako tistingan pagtawag.